Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. Tonight I'd like to start here. I'd like you to play TV Executive. Now the producers have played their signature producing package that's going to kick off coverage of one of the biggest sporting events of the year. The U.S. Open golf tournament. You, the producer are about to watch it for final approval. See if anything jumps out at you.
[video of "The Pledge of Allegiance" with "under God, indivisible" omitted]
I'm sorry, did I lapse into a coma there? It was very, very subtle. You might have missed it, Mr. Executive Producer. The words "under God" and "indivisible"... just magically disappear.
[video of "The Pledge of Allegiance" with "under God, indivisible" omitted]
I'm sorry, did I lapse into a coma there? It was very, very subtle. You might have missed it, Mr. Executive Producer. The words "under God" and "indivisible"... just magically disappear.