
nothin's scarier than a blank page

24 June 2011

The Glenn Beck Program, June 24 LIVEBLOG (with Chris Stewart)

Hello, America.  We are counting the days down.  Next Thursday is the last broadcast -- eh, this broadcast -- on this network.  And I can't thank you enough for joining me for the last couple of years for what has been an incredible journey and life-changing journey.  For me, and I hope that in some way you have been affected [Editor's note: More than you can ever know.] and now go out and affect or infect others.

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Join us all next week for the final episodes here on Fox.

Now, tonight we're gonna talk a little bit about history.  This book [holds book, does not yet show cover] was written by a friend of mine.  We talked a little bit about it last week.  Trust me, if you're going to order it, you should order it at the beginning of the episode.  I understand it's already three weeks out of print.  So it's going to be...  They're printing them as fast as they can.  [picture of The 7 Tipping Points.]

Chris Stewart is a guy who I read one of his other books on my last vacation, I think it was in January, and I actually called him while I was on vacation.  I actually got yelled at by my wife [voice] "What are you doing?  You're on vacation."  I said, "I have to talk to this guy."

Books & Cakes!

If only the emperors would give us cakes and BOOKS instead of cakes and circuses.  That'd be a swell world.  (Of course, with all of the learnin' that accompanies readin', that's just not a good move for the emperor.)

I woke up this morning and inexplicably walked outside.  I usually wait a few hours to do that.  There, outside, were my parents (in their car), whose summer home is next door to my current summer lake house.  And who I rarely see until evening.

They were holding two packages for me.
1. A shipping box full of books, on which I've been waiting for days (weeks! months!)
2. Chocolate chip pancakes & bacon.

What a treat!

On the summer reading list:

How Will Wisconsin's Budget Cuts Affect YOU?

The IWF has a "non-partisan" answer.  Since I'm currently not in Madison (and embrace the northwoods -- and any chance to pretend I actually live up here year-round), I checked out the stats for my current little town.  According to these stats, my town will have $9,127 less moneys.  The town's population is just under 1000, so that will affect each town member by about $9.

Sounds okay to me.

The website also notes
There are 1,943 public workers in Vilas County. Under the proposedstate budget, each will lose about $2,071 in take‐home pay.  This will reduce local buying andeconomic activity by $4 million leading to closed businesses and retail job losses.