
nothin's scarier than a blank page

11 June 2011

June is Great Outdoors month...

... so sayeth Obama.  Well, when the economy goes bust and we all lose our homes, nice to know we'll have the great outdoors on which to depend.  

Won't Somebody Think of the Children?

GOP set to rolls back child labor laws, reads the headline of the self-described progressive Cap Times.  Not included in the headline?  The laws in question are being rolled back from WI-level regulations to... federal level regulations.

The horrors!

Those against it worry that children (in this case, 16 and 17 year-olds) will be wooed by shiny coins and let their studies slide.  That sounds like a moral argument: working hard for grades vs. working hard for money/experience.  Shouldn't a moral argument be left in the hands of the parents and family?

What if the child does not have a good family situation?  Well, perhaps that should be a larger priority than limiting work hours.  It's not like this law allows 6 year-olds to work in sweatshops. 

Hello, European Summer

Party split?

Democrats call out Democrats.  
"The unprecedented Republican manipulation of these recall elections has compelled a number of people to urge a level playing field by running fake candidates in GOP primaries.  We cannot and will not stoop to the Republicans' level by encouraging candidates to lie about their party affiliation, or recommending that people try to deceive voters. We never have done that, and won’t start now."
Michigan Dems charged in fake tea party scandal
More about the fake Republican in Manitowoc
Democrats' game plan to hold the House: Divide and conquer 
Wisconsin Assembly candidate Andrew Wisniewski put back on ballot


Palin's toast

Legal Insurrection has a running list of Palin email headlines.  Juicy stuff!  Can't wait to see what the MSM uncovers when they review Obama's emails.