Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. Tonight I'd like to start here. I'd like you to play TV Executive. Now the producers have played their signature producing package that's going to kick off coverage of one of the biggest sporting events of the year. The U.S. Open golf tournament. You, the producer are about to watch it for final approval. See if anything jumps out at you.
[video of "The Pledge of Allegiance" with "under God, indivisible" omitted]
I'm sorry, did I lapse into a coma there? It was very, very subtle. You might have missed it, Mr. Executive Producer. The words "under God" and "indivisible"... just magically disappear.
Needless to say, social media erupted. Within a short while, one of the NBC announcers was then forced to issue an apology in his best golf-voice, here it is:
It is our intent to begin the coverage of this U.S. Open championship with a feature that captured the patriotism of our national championship being held in our nation's capital for the third time. Regrettably, a portion of the Pledge of Allegiance that was in that feature was edited out. It was not done to upset anyone. [Beck: No.] And we'd like to apologize to those of who were offended by it.
I would just like to say in my best golf-voice now that that is the weakest apology I've ever heard. Omitting "under God from the Pledge... that really doesn't work. Even if it wasn't done to upset anyone, we'd kind like to know why it was done. [Golf clap] What a shot. I believe that was a birdie.
I actually believe them. I don't think they were trying to offend anyone. It just shows how out of touch they are with the average American. That they believe [waahwaah] that under God indivisible thing? No one's gonna notice. Really? I mean, what were you trying to do? Save the extra two seconds in a three and a half hour broadcast?
Here's how MSNBC's boss Phil Griffin explained his network:
MCNBC stands for something and MSNBC is really the place to go for progressives.
Oh, okay. So you have the shared resources of NBC -- is that what NBC is all about? I believe it is. I mean it really shouldn't come as a surprise. Still, a lot of people were upset. But, believe it or not, I actually welcome the edit. Why? Because it allows us to ask ourselves, tonight, this question:
Are we still "one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"?
We find out tonight.
It's like a really bad episode of the Carol Burnett show when you're like "Oh no, it's ending", and then you got over it. The final episode of this program is June 30th. We have nine shows remaining. We have a lot to talk about in those nine shows.
By the way, Hello, America.
I don't know where NBC would get the idea 'it's high time we start taking 'under god, indivisble' out of the Pledge of Allegiance, y'know. It's not like the president is admitting it or anything. Oh, okay, alright, I did forget Mr. We're All A Nation Of Nonbelievers routinely left out the "endowed by their creator" line from the Declaration of Independence, but I'm sure they're completely unrelated. Tonight, we're gonna focus on this idea -- that we are one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Actually, I'm gonna change that [chalkboard text] from a statement to a question. Are we?
Let's go through each part of it.
Are we "one nation" anymore? [Editor's note: Palin's bus tour title.] I don't know. Everyday that goes by, I think less and less so. We are pitted against each other, but not in the-- I mean, we always disagreed with each other and there's nothing wrong with disagreeing. But now, we enemies [growled] the Haves against the Have Nots. He's got my stuff!
We're all socialists now, or we're "teabaggers" that drove America in the ditch. Part of the enlightened collectivists that would like to redistribute all the wealth, or you're just for small government. Those free from injustice, there's that half, those free from the injustice of universal healthcare mandates -- and then the rest of us who either are small business or work for small business, some companies which will be hurt, some destroyed, because we can't get the special waivers exempting us from the White House. There's those that believe in the Constitution , and those who want to my progress past an outdated old document. Are we one nation?
Are we "under god"? Since 1948 the number of people who say they have no religious identity has increased 500%. But are we still a nation of believers? 92% say yes, they believe in God. But do we practice that anymore? I don't mean going to church, I mean actually believe it enough to do something with it. Have we lost our way? Have we made our God the golden calf, the idol -- the car, the mall, the banking accounts, the logo on your shirt, the status, the power in Congress, anything but the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Many so-called believers are weak-kneed, and they remain neutral in the face of politically correct pressure. The pressure to do all kinds of things: to remove the 10 Commandments, to strike the name of God from any public place, to stop prayer in public school. A school in California recently cancelled a fundraising program featuring memorial bricks because two women chose Bible verses for their inscriptions, and this weekend the valedictorian in Vermont only delivered half of his speech because the principal instructed him to avoid all mentions of God. And now, our best golf voice, we edit out "under God, indivisible" from the Pledge.
America, people over at MSNBC et cetera will tell you that this doesn't matter. You know, many people in this audience will say, what difference does it make. It doesn't matter... that makes you a neutral party. But in today's world there is no neutral. There is no neutral party. Buyer beware, there is no neutral party. And neutral, if you believe in neutral long enough, it'll start to roll down a hill.
[Editor's note: I'm an atheist, and I find the golf-edit appalling. I may not believe in God, but I recognize that the belief in God was essentially woven into our country's founding ideologies, and I think that is important. If for no other reason than that in order to provide religious freedom to our citizens, there must be a recognition of religion and its importance to those who practice it. And someday I'll finish my God is a Doorknob post which is an attempt to explain how an atheist can be true to her beliefs and also watch Beck.]
Now the next part of it is liberty. One nation, under God, with liberty. I question if we're a country that even understands liberty anymore. Look what we're allowing to happen here. Government taking over GM. Government forcing us to purchase something for the first time. You can't be a citizen in good standing unless you purchase a product called healthcare. Even children are getting physically abused during intrusive pat-downs at our airports, and nobody says anything.
I'm crying because I'm just really, really upset that as an American, I have to go through that. And I do feel violated. I didn't think that I would when I had to opt out of the machine, but I completely feel violated.
Could be somebody's sister. Is anybody saying anything -- except the great state of Texas. Which tried to stand up against it and then they were bullied and told, 'we'll shut down all of your airspace.' By the way, Texas was responsible for creating half of nearly all the jobs created in America from June 2009 through April 2011. [Screen: 496,00]
The country, despite what the president says, he didn't add two million jobs, we added 496,000 jobs, we've rounded it up. Now, according to the Dallas Fed, how many were created in Texas? 237,000. Those jobs, 237,000 created in Texas. The rest of them? Created in the other 49 states.
Now how is Texas rewarded for their success? Well the EPA decides to mandate now without bothering to talk to anybody in Texas about it to comply with the Federal Clean Air Transport Rule. This is gonna slam 'em in Texas and hurt jobs. The move could cost the state billions, and it may even cause citizens to have less access to electrical power, but our president is okay with that, I mean under his plan, electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket.
They did this despite the fact that since the 90s, Texas has had an effective clean air act on the state level. Texas officials wrote a letter of complaint to Cass Sunstein, quote [June 16]:
[Editor's note: I just got an Atlas Shrugged shiver. So, the states that are managing to thrive (like Colorado, in Atlas, despite the economy will be penalized by literally having their literal power reduced. Wha?]
Gee. Who, who in their wildest dreams would have seen the tire iron in the spokes of our economy being Cass Sunstein, our Regulatory and Information Czar. By the way, letters aren't going to effect Cass. He doesn't understand liberty the way you do, America. Why stick the federal debacle on on Texas when they seem to be doing fine? Shouldn't we being asking Texas their advice during these difficult times when they've added half of the jobs? One state. [Editors note: can't ask TX for advice, they're Right to Work.] Are we a people that understand liberty? I contend, no. [Editor's note: Ask a 16 yr old kid what it feels like, deep in their hearts, the first time they drive a car alone. That's the best description of "liberty" you'll ever get.]
We are also becoming a mobocracy. The power goes to those that have the most money. [Editor's note: Careful, Glenn. Are you saying we're a plutocracy?] The unions that go to people's houses. Even the mobs on the street. And the glue that holds this thing together is knowing history and knowing God. If we abandon history and God, which we've done a pretty good job of, as evidenced by the miserable history scores coming from our students, and do I need to list the examples of Godlessness? Without these, we are not indivisible. We fall apart.
Are we indivisible? Well, the best way to divide people is with fear. It's what I'm accused of doing to people all of the time, although my predictions seem to be warranted, because they're all seeming to be turning out to be right, aren't they?
I want to show you what's happening again, using fear. This is Shakira. She is a singer. She's a Goodwill Ambassador to the U.N., and she's scheduled to visit Jerusalem for the Israeli Presidential Conference. [Editor's note: egad.] Well, now, special interest groups are pressuring her to cancel the trip, telling her to say no to apartheid and yes to freedom for Palestine. There's an entire website campaign devoted to her stopping this visit.
But she's not the only one being targeted now. Over the weekend I found out a couple of things. A group called Americans For Peace Now have created a similar page attempting to stop my trip to Israel this August. [Editor's note: there's also a sister page, in Hebrew. I used to the translator in Google chrome to read it. Fascinating posts -- the comments, that is..] Now, if you had to guess, and you said, 'now wait a minute, this has gotta be costing some money. Who's paying for this effort?'
[Editor's note: Oh shit.]
Would you say it is [screen]
A) Ordinary Concerned Citizens or
B) George Soros
[Glenn smiles.] I actually said A at first, because I didn't think George Soros would have the cojones -- which I think is French for hats -- to do that.
[Editors note: given that Beck has already said "teabagger" and the term is on my mind, that cracks me up. I'm still giggling.]
But, wrong again! George Soros. The Tides Foundation, to be exact, has given regularly to this group. Who would have seen this one coming?
Then I also saw on Friday another attack from the Washington Post. [Beck gets close to the camera.] Are we bothering you? Left, is this show bothering you? Wait. 'Cause you're gonna pray for the days I was only on at 5:00. Wait. You're gonna be down on your knees, going, "I know I don't believe in God, but please, put him on only at five." [Editor's note: It's funny because it's true.]
Anyways, the Washington Post seems to be bothered also by my Israel trip. This clown who wrote this is this far Left guy who just trying to sell a book -- I think it sold three copies -- but anyway, to me it's honestly amazing that this guy still has a job because it's the worst-- I mean, this is, we have a very
My DVR just freaked out. I'm gonna have to finish the transcription with the late night repeat and go into the old liveblog mode now. crap crap crap. crap. crap crap.
WaPo criticized Lieberman for doing the trip and called Beck an antisemite. The attacks are coming because they need to intimidate people. nudge becomes shove, and shove becomes shoot. it's coming because we won't say that we're one nation...
throughout history there's always been something trying to squash down man. there's always a cass sunstein.
yes, there's a plight to the palestinians. but i've seen the maps. what about all of the other land? wy couldn't they just have some of the land given to jordan -- i mean, if it was just about getting from under somebody's thumb.
it's a distraction, so you don't pay attention to the people being gunned down in syria. it's not about justice for all. it's about justice for some. the rich, the powerful, the ruling class. justice for them.
have we been a part of their oppression, yes. do you want to solve things or be a part of the problem
man is going to be in darkness. and it's not about bush or obama.
the founders believed that the natural state of things is bad, that's why we have a constitution of negative liberties. and that's why we say we have one nation under god. if we don't learn that we will be indivisible for a very short period of time.
good news. we have NBC golf sports to help us remember and put it back into perspective.
We aer entering a period now, I believe, the first one was just to jam things thru congress and make them irrelevant, 2 set up framework thru cass sunstein, 3 set things on fire
masks are coming off, i said this 2 years ago
those on the far left have waited 100 years to push this thru. many feel used by obama 'cos he's not doing enough. whether this is a political game, i dunno.
WaPo has no problem pushing thru hateful propagana rhetoric. then you have deepak choprah, wrote a hatefilled piece about sarah palin. contest to see who can say the worst things about her. he even compared sarah palin to mao.
and then you have the latest to have the masks come off. he's dropped the radical pose for the radical ends. won't work, the mask will come back on. beck feels sorry for him. he sounded like the angry radical of storm at netroots this weekend -- Van Jones clip. yelling "you not america" etc.
he's talking about fox. he's so angry that he doesn't notice his own hypocrisy. he's angry about being called unamerican and then he calls half of america filthy liars and child abusers. i don't know. i never called him unamerican. all i did was tell you what he said in his own words, and if that makes him upset, then maybe he should consider his own viewpoints, that way he doesn't have to get angry at people when they point out his own words.
was surprising to see him go howard dean on us, 'cos van jones is good at wearing the mask. when he toned it down, he made some desperate plea to debate me, and also launched a campaign with ---. so i'm not going to waste my time promoting him, and i'm also not going to waste my time with someone who is not honest in his own viewpoints. when he admits that he never changed views, just changed tactics, then he might be worth listening to at some point. not for me, maybe for you.
The final epsidoe of this progtam is next thurday. tnoight i want you to look around at society in our country. it's breaking down. is it spontaneous. government is going bad. when they lie to their own people -- and they always do -- they have to be reset. if they're not allowed to fail in a small failure, then it becomes catastrophic to reset. and that's what's happening around the world.
let's take a look at spain. 100,000s gathered yesterday to protest angry, angry at pols, angry at lack of jobs. marches planned to arrive at madrird for an "indignant rally". if you watch this show, you shouldn't be surprised, because i warned you.
[video, beck feb 21]
morocco is crucial because it is the gateway to europe. what's across from morocco? spain. the next logical place to go. a country that invested a fortune in green jobs and has the highest unemployment rate in the industrialized world.
laughs. i mean, i don't even know how people on other networks, any journalist, can even watch this show with anything other than self-disgust at what they've not done. how many got the spain thing right? or the greece thing that i told you two years ago? there's on-going violence and protests in greece over austerity measures. needs another bailout. it's going to go bankrupt. one guy there said don't be surprised if athens foes up in flames and don't be sad either
think of this, the country is on the verge of collapse and he isn't even upset. how did we get to this point.
the euro won't survive this.
don't think this could happen here? well, you're in good company. many say that it won't/can't happen here. but we said it couldn't happen there. then again, the seeds have already been sewn here.
teen flash mob robberies (WTF??) -- teens are organizing online. pick a time, place, loot a store, leave before security can catch them.
95% of retailers polled have been victims of stuff like this in the past year.
at netroots, dan pfeiffer was booed. even the administration's socialist friends are turning on them.
that works to the advantage of anyone who wants to fundamentally transform the system.
so what do we do? well, the governments need to be reset. so do we just as people go out in the streets, march, and hope that freedom will just reset? or do we take pause?
freedom hasn't reset in the Middle East, why? it's not in their culture. it's a uniquely american idea.
our kids are being taught that property doesn't exist. stealing. who's really being hurt? they're dehumanizing people, the Left is doing an amazing job of dehumanizing anyone who's successful.
these teens think it's okay to do whatever they want. it's not. in a civilized society, we don't have the right to hurt others.
to be free is a choice, but it is the hardest of all choices. to be truly free, it sucks. because it's not easy to do it. that's where the americans come in. we do the job that the rest of the world doesn't want to do, that they thought was impossible.
i want to ask you, not as a tv person but as a guy, to do your country a favor.
Have ya heard of the Global Crop Diversity Trust? seed vault that most don't know about. vault is built in arctic circle mountain. set up to protect crop diversity in case of disaster. can hold up to 4.5 million seeds. the global community is busy creating hybrid seeds, 14,900 varieties of apples have been lost. now 11. that is an actual change in the climate of a basic food item.
also, the bees. 4 species have been wiped out. nobody knows why.
so we built this U.N. seed vault -- Noah's ark of seeds. who spent the money? what are they doing? it's not global warming crap. i'm not gonna ask you to collect seeds, but i am going to ask you to think about that seed vault for the next 3 minutes -- what it does, what is its purpose. and then i'm gonna ask you to do something when we return.
Oh, this summer I have homework for you.
seed vault. the point is to restart things in case there was a catastrophic failure. what do we have? well, at the national archives, we used to have a thing in the cold war so if attacked, those documents would get swooped into an underground vault. it was said that we have everything to restart in that vault. saved, within a fraction of a second.
what do we have now? really. i mean, it's not gonna turn into planet of the apes. life goes on. we have to plant the seeds of freedom -- not buried someplace -- but in our hearts and minds and children.
time to redouble the efforts, things are beginning to come undone.
Here's what i want you to do this summer. I want you to read history. And there's specific things I want you to do:
1. read history
2. read about someone you admire, find that person you think you can be like. "man, i cannot believe this guy. i could never be that. then be like him" george washington is beck's guy
3. stop trying so hard
stop trying to convince people who are never gonna come. surrender to them and start being more proactive in your own community, plan to think outside of the box. ask people to join a committee with different kinds of skills. example: if i'm the farmer, we're starving to death. i don't know how to make clothes. i don't know how to repair an engine. do you? you need to be able to repair things, be self-sufficient. then link arms.
specific things at glennbeck.com -- specific things to read, groups to join. reach out to friends.
how many people are even prepared for a financial emergency? if you can't afford to put things aside, will you can (food) this summer? not so crazy.
i read today an economist say that if we have one more problem with farms, the whole thing could collapse. i'm like, really. i thought you said that 6 months ago. and it's no longer freddy and fannie. is it so unbelievable to think that when mobs stoked up my marxists will overtake farms when they're hungry? i don't think it is. if you are a student of history and you read history. look what happened in russia, 1919, 1920. for that matter, look anywhere. look at zimbabwe under robert mugabi. farms destroyed, 200+ white farmers beaten. this happened in the last decade. someone needs to be there with skills. we're not gonna be able to relearn all those skills.
we have to be sure that our american ideals continue. under god. indivisible. with liberty and justice for all.
One nation under
That brings us to this point where we started. Final episode is now 8 shows away. Today, we covered this, a little bit -- solutions
food prices -- store, grow, can
energy prices -- that's tomorrow. we have energy execs who say they're under attack by the EPA. your energy prices will necessarily sky rocket. what to do, what to do.
jobs -- wednesday -- college? really? traditional job market is out
Goodnight America.
WHEW. When I have access to the program again (later tonight) I'll do the rest of the transcript and post it at www.tthna.blogspot.com and put a notice here.
HERE! http://tthna.blogspot.com/2011/06/pledge-of-allegiance-july-20-2011.html I've got the new DVR running, and I'm starting to fix this over at TTHNA.
I feel the need to note, regarding the Pledge of Allegiance, that when I was a wee tot, I thought we were pledging "to the republic for Richard stands." Because, ya know, Richard Nixon was a president. And on a much more serious note, I really want to (another time) post how and why I, as an atheist, think the "under god" part of Americana ideology so so goddamn important. I also wonder if the omission of "indivisible" is more noticed and seems WAY more important to me is because of my atheism.
I'd also like to note that now, nine hours later, I'm still cracking up about the French balls=hats (unintended?) teabagger joke is CRACKING ME UP.
Yes, folks, this is whatcha get when I type w/o filter during the middle of the night. I'm gonna stop here and go over to TTHNA and get my Beck on there.
[video of "The Pledge of Allegiance" with "under God, indivisible" omitted]
I'm sorry, did I lapse into a coma there? It was very, very subtle. You might have missed it, Mr. Executive Producer. The words "under God" and "indivisible"... just magically disappear.
Needless to say, social media erupted. Within a short while, one of the NBC announcers was then forced to issue an apology in his best golf-voice, here it is:
It is our intent to begin the coverage of this U.S. Open championship with a feature that captured the patriotism of our national championship being held in our nation's capital for the third time. Regrettably, a portion of the Pledge of Allegiance that was in that feature was edited out. It was not done to upset anyone. [Beck: No.] And we'd like to apologize to those of who were offended by it.
I would just like to say in my best golf-voice now that that is the weakest apology I've ever heard. Omitting "under God from the Pledge... that really doesn't work. Even if it wasn't done to upset anyone, we'd kind like to know why it was done. [Golf clap] What a shot. I believe that was a birdie.
I actually believe them. I don't think they were trying to offend anyone. It just shows how out of touch they are with the average American. That they believe [waahwaah] that under God indivisible thing? No one's gonna notice. Really? I mean, what were you trying to do? Save the extra two seconds in a three and a half hour broadcast?
Here's how MSNBC's boss Phil Griffin explained his network:
MCNBC stands for something and MSNBC is really the place to go for progressives.
Oh, okay. So you have the shared resources of NBC -- is that what NBC is all about? I believe it is. I mean it really shouldn't come as a surprise. Still, a lot of people were upset. But, believe it or not, I actually welcome the edit. Why? Because it allows us to ask ourselves, tonight, this question:
Are we still "one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"?
We find out tonight.
It's like a really bad episode of the Carol Burnett show when you're like "Oh no, it's ending", and then you got over it. The final episode of this program is June 30th. We have nine shows remaining. We have a lot to talk about in those nine shows.
By the way, Hello, America.
I don't know where NBC would get the idea 'it's high time we start taking 'under god, indivisble' out of the Pledge of Allegiance, y'know. It's not like the president is admitting it or anything. Oh, okay, alright, I did forget Mr. We're All A Nation Of Nonbelievers routinely left out the "endowed by their creator" line from the Declaration of Independence, but I'm sure they're completely unrelated. Tonight, we're gonna focus on this idea -- that we are one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Actually, I'm gonna change that [chalkboard text] from a statement to a question. Are we?
Let's go through each part of it.
Are we "one nation" anymore? [Editor's note: Palin's bus tour title.] I don't know. Everyday that goes by, I think less and less so. We are pitted against each other, but not in the-- I mean, we always disagreed with each other and there's nothing wrong with disagreeing. But now, we enemies [growled] the Haves against the Have Nots. He's got my stuff!
We're all socialists now, or we're "teabaggers" that drove America in the ditch. Part of the enlightened collectivists that would like to redistribute all the wealth, or you're just for small government. Those free from injustice, there's that half, those free from the injustice of universal healthcare mandates -- and then the rest of us who either are small business or work for small business, some companies which will be hurt, some destroyed, because we can't get the special waivers exempting us from the White House. There's those that believe in the Constitution , and those who want to my progress past an outdated old document. Are we one nation?
Are we "under god"? Since 1948 the number of people who say they have no religious identity has increased 500%. But are we still a nation of believers? 92% say yes, they believe in God. But do we practice that anymore? I don't mean going to church, I mean actually believe it enough to do something with it. Have we lost our way? Have we made our God the golden calf, the idol -- the car, the mall, the banking accounts, the logo on your shirt, the status, the power in Congress, anything but the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Many so-called believers are weak-kneed, and they remain neutral in the face of politically correct pressure. The pressure to do all kinds of things: to remove the 10 Commandments, to strike the name of God from any public place, to stop prayer in public school. A school in California recently cancelled a fundraising program featuring memorial bricks because two women chose Bible verses for their inscriptions, and this weekend the valedictorian in Vermont only delivered half of his speech because the principal instructed him to avoid all mentions of God. And now, our best golf voice, we edit out "under God, indivisible" from the Pledge.
America, people over at MSNBC et cetera will tell you that this doesn't matter. You know, many people in this audience will say, what difference does it make. It doesn't matter... that makes you a neutral party. But in today's world there is no neutral. There is no neutral party. Buyer beware, there is no neutral party. And neutral, if you believe in neutral long enough, it'll start to roll down a hill.
[Editor's note: I'm an atheist, and I find the golf-edit appalling. I may not believe in God, but I recognize that the belief in God was essentially woven into our country's founding ideologies, and I think that is important. If for no other reason than that in order to provide religious freedom to our citizens, there must be a recognition of religion and its importance to those who practice it. And someday I'll finish my God is a Doorknob post which is an attempt to explain how an atheist can be true to her beliefs and also watch Beck.]
Now the next part of it is liberty. One nation, under God, with liberty. I question if we're a country that even understands liberty anymore. Look what we're allowing to happen here. Government taking over GM. Government forcing us to purchase something for the first time. You can't be a citizen in good standing unless you purchase a product called healthcare. Even children are getting physically abused during intrusive pat-downs at our airports, and nobody says anything.
I'm crying because I'm just really, really upset that as an American, I have to go through that. And I do feel violated. I didn't think that I would when I had to opt out of the machine, but I completely feel violated.
Could be somebody's sister. Is anybody saying anything -- except the great state of Texas. Which tried to stand up against it and then they were bullied and told, 'we'll shut down all of your airspace.' By the way, Texas was responsible for creating half of nearly all the jobs created in America from June 2009 through April 2011. [Screen: 496,00]
The country, despite what the president says, he didn't add two million jobs, we added 496,000 jobs, we've rounded it up. Now, according to the Dallas Fed, how many were created in Texas? 237,000. Those jobs, 237,000 created in Texas. The rest of them? Created in the other 49 states.
Now how is Texas rewarded for their success? Well the EPA decides to mandate now without bothering to talk to anybody in Texas about it to comply with the Federal Clean Air Transport Rule. This is gonna slam 'em in Texas and hurt jobs. The move could cost the state billions, and it may even cause citizens to have less access to electrical power, but our president is okay with that, I mean under his plan, electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket.
They did this despite the fact that since the 90s, Texas has had an effective clean air act on the state level. Texas officials wrote a letter of complaint to Cass Sunstein, quote [June 16]:
This is a significant regulatory actin, costing the state of Texas billions of dollars, and tens of thousands of lost megawatts of electric power generation.
[Editor's note: I just got an Atlas Shrugged shiver. So, the states that are managing to thrive (like Colorado, in Atlas, despite the economy will be penalized by literally having their literal power reduced. Wha?]
Gee. Who, who in their wildest dreams would have seen the tire iron in the spokes of our economy being Cass Sunstein, our Regulatory and Information Czar. By the way, letters aren't going to effect Cass. He doesn't understand liberty the way you do, America. Why stick the federal debacle on on Texas when they seem to be doing fine? Shouldn't we being asking Texas their advice during these difficult times when they've added half of the jobs? One state. [Editors note: can't ask TX for advice, they're Right to Work.] Are we a people that understand liberty? I contend, no. [Editor's note: Ask a 16 yr old kid what it feels like, deep in their hearts, the first time they drive a car alone. That's the best description of "liberty" you'll ever get.]
We are also becoming a mobocracy. The power goes to those that have the most money. [Editor's note: Careful, Glenn. Are you saying we're a plutocracy?] The unions that go to people's houses. Even the mobs on the street. And the glue that holds this thing together is knowing history and knowing God. If we abandon history and God, which we've done a pretty good job of, as evidenced by the miserable history scores coming from our students, and do I need to list the examples of Godlessness? Without these, we are not indivisible. We fall apart.
Are we indivisible? Well, the best way to divide people is with fear. It's what I'm accused of doing to people all of the time, although my predictions seem to be warranted, because they're all seeming to be turning out to be right, aren't they?
I want to show you what's happening again, using fear. This is Shakira. She is a singer. She's a Goodwill Ambassador to the U.N., and she's scheduled to visit Jerusalem for the Israeli Presidential Conference. [Editor's note: egad.] Well, now, special interest groups are pressuring her to cancel the trip, telling her to say no to apartheid and yes to freedom for Palestine. There's an entire website campaign devoted to her stopping this visit.
But she's not the only one being targeted now. Over the weekend I found out a couple of things. A group called Americans For Peace Now have created a similar page attempting to stop my trip to Israel this August. [Editor's note: there's also a sister page, in Hebrew. I used to the translator in Google chrome to read it. Fascinating posts -- the comments, that is..] Now, if you had to guess, and you said, 'now wait a minute, this has gotta be costing some money. Who's paying for this effort?'
[Editor's note: Oh shit.]
Would you say it is [screen]
A) Ordinary Concerned Citizens or
B) George Soros
[Glenn smiles.] I actually said A at first, because I didn't think George Soros would have the cojones -- which I think is French for hats -- to do that.
[Editors note: given that Beck has already said "teabagger" and the term is on my mind, that cracks me up. I'm still giggling.]
But, wrong again! George Soros. The Tides Foundation, to be exact, has given regularly to this group. Who would have seen this one coming?
Then I also saw on Friday another attack from the Washington Post. [Beck gets close to the camera.] Are we bothering you? Left, is this show bothering you? Wait. 'Cause you're gonna pray for the days I was only on at 5:00. Wait. You're gonna be down on your knees, going, "I know I don't believe in God, but please, put him on only at five." [Editor's note: It's funny because it's true.]
Anyways, the Washington Post seems to be bothered also by my Israel trip. This clown who wrote this is this far Left guy who just trying to sell a book -- I think it sold three copies -- but anyway, to me it's honestly amazing that this guy still has a job because it's the worst-- I mean, this is, we have a very
My DVR just freaked out. I'm gonna have to finish the transcription with the late night repeat and go into the old liveblog mode now. crap crap crap. crap. crap crap.
WaPo criticized Lieberman for doing the trip and called Beck an antisemite. The attacks are coming because they need to intimidate people. nudge becomes shove, and shove becomes shoot. it's coming because we won't say that we're one nation...
throughout history there's always been something trying to squash down man. there's always a cass sunstein.
yes, there's a plight to the palestinians. but i've seen the maps. what about all of the other land? wy couldn't they just have some of the land given to jordan -- i mean, if it was just about getting from under somebody's thumb.
it's a distraction, so you don't pay attention to the people being gunned down in syria. it's not about justice for all. it's about justice for some. the rich, the powerful, the ruling class. justice for them.
have we been a part of their oppression, yes. do you want to solve things or be a part of the problem
man is going to be in darkness. and it's not about bush or obama.
the founders believed that the natural state of things is bad, that's why we have a constitution of negative liberties. and that's why we say we have one nation under god. if we don't learn that we will be indivisible for a very short period of time.
good news. we have NBC golf sports to help us remember and put it back into perspective.
We aer entering a period now, I believe, the first one was just to jam things thru congress and make them irrelevant, 2 set up framework thru cass sunstein, 3 set things on fire
masks are coming off, i said this 2 years ago
those on the far left have waited 100 years to push this thru. many feel used by obama 'cos he's not doing enough. whether this is a political game, i dunno.
WaPo has no problem pushing thru hateful propagana rhetoric. then you have deepak choprah, wrote a hatefilled piece about sarah palin. contest to see who can say the worst things about her. he even compared sarah palin to mao.
and then you have the latest to have the masks come off. he's dropped the radical pose for the radical ends. won't work, the mask will come back on. beck feels sorry for him. he sounded like the angry radical of storm at netroots this weekend -- Van Jones clip. yelling "you not america" etc.
he's talking about fox. he's so angry that he doesn't notice his own hypocrisy. he's angry about being called unamerican and then he calls half of america filthy liars and child abusers. i don't know. i never called him unamerican. all i did was tell you what he said in his own words, and if that makes him upset, then maybe he should consider his own viewpoints, that way he doesn't have to get angry at people when they point out his own words.
was surprising to see him go howard dean on us, 'cos van jones is good at wearing the mask. when he toned it down, he made some desperate plea to debate me, and also launched a campaign with ---. so i'm not going to waste my time promoting him, and i'm also not going to waste my time with someone who is not honest in his own viewpoints. when he admits that he never changed views, just changed tactics, then he might be worth listening to at some point. not for me, maybe for you.
The final epsidoe of this progtam is next thurday. tnoight i want you to look around at society in our country. it's breaking down. is it spontaneous. government is going bad. when they lie to their own people -- and they always do -- they have to be reset. if they're not allowed to fail in a small failure, then it becomes catastrophic to reset. and that's what's happening around the world.
let's take a look at spain. 100,000s gathered yesterday to protest angry, angry at pols, angry at lack of jobs. marches planned to arrive at madrird for an "indignant rally". if you watch this show, you shouldn't be surprised, because i warned you.
[video, beck feb 21]
morocco is crucial because it is the gateway to europe. what's across from morocco? spain. the next logical place to go. a country that invested a fortune in green jobs and has the highest unemployment rate in the industrialized world.
laughs. i mean, i don't even know how people on other networks, any journalist, can even watch this show with anything other than self-disgust at what they've not done. how many got the spain thing right? or the greece thing that i told you two years ago? there's on-going violence and protests in greece over austerity measures. needs another bailout. it's going to go bankrupt. one guy there said don't be surprised if athens foes up in flames and don't be sad either
think of this, the country is on the verge of collapse and he isn't even upset. how did we get to this point.
the euro won't survive this.
don't think this could happen here? well, you're in good company. many say that it won't/can't happen here. but we said it couldn't happen there. then again, the seeds have already been sewn here.
teen flash mob robberies (WTF??) -- teens are organizing online. pick a time, place, loot a store, leave before security can catch them.
95% of retailers polled have been victims of stuff like this in the past year.
at netroots, dan pfeiffer was booed. even the administration's socialist friends are turning on them.
that works to the advantage of anyone who wants to fundamentally transform the system.
so what do we do? well, the governments need to be reset. so do we just as people go out in the streets, march, and hope that freedom will just reset? or do we take pause?
freedom hasn't reset in the Middle East, why? it's not in their culture. it's a uniquely american idea.
our kids are being taught that property doesn't exist. stealing. who's really being hurt? they're dehumanizing people, the Left is doing an amazing job of dehumanizing anyone who's successful.
these teens think it's okay to do whatever they want. it's not. in a civilized society, we don't have the right to hurt others.
to be free is a choice, but it is the hardest of all choices. to be truly free, it sucks. because it's not easy to do it. that's where the americans come in. we do the job that the rest of the world doesn't want to do, that they thought was impossible.
i want to ask you, not as a tv person but as a guy, to do your country a favor.
Have ya heard of the Global Crop Diversity Trust? seed vault that most don't know about. vault is built in arctic circle mountain. set up to protect crop diversity in case of disaster. can hold up to 4.5 million seeds. the global community is busy creating hybrid seeds, 14,900 varieties of apples have been lost. now 11. that is an actual change in the climate of a basic food item.
also, the bees. 4 species have been wiped out. nobody knows why.
so we built this U.N. seed vault -- Noah's ark of seeds. who spent the money? what are they doing? it's not global warming crap. i'm not gonna ask you to collect seeds, but i am going to ask you to think about that seed vault for the next 3 minutes -- what it does, what is its purpose. and then i'm gonna ask you to do something when we return.
Oh, this summer I have homework for you.
seed vault. the point is to restart things in case there was a catastrophic failure. what do we have? well, at the national archives, we used to have a thing in the cold war so if attacked, those documents would get swooped into an underground vault. it was said that we have everything to restart in that vault. saved, within a fraction of a second.
what do we have now? really. i mean, it's not gonna turn into planet of the apes. life goes on. we have to plant the seeds of freedom -- not buried someplace -- but in our hearts and minds and children.
time to redouble the efforts, things are beginning to come undone.
Here's what i want you to do this summer. I want you to read history. And there's specific things I want you to do:
1. read history
2. read about someone you admire, find that person you think you can be like. "man, i cannot believe this guy. i could never be that. then be like him" george washington is beck's guy
3. stop trying so hard
stop trying to convince people who are never gonna come. surrender to them and start being more proactive in your own community, plan to think outside of the box. ask people to join a committee with different kinds of skills. example: if i'm the farmer, we're starving to death. i don't know how to make clothes. i don't know how to repair an engine. do you? you need to be able to repair things, be self-sufficient. then link arms.
specific things at glennbeck.com -- specific things to read, groups to join. reach out to friends.
how many people are even prepared for a financial emergency? if you can't afford to put things aside, will you can (food) this summer? not so crazy.
i read today an economist say that if we have one more problem with farms, the whole thing could collapse. i'm like, really. i thought you said that 6 months ago. and it's no longer freddy and fannie. is it so unbelievable to think that when mobs stoked up my marxists will overtake farms when they're hungry? i don't think it is. if you are a student of history and you read history. look what happened in russia, 1919, 1920. for that matter, look anywhere. look at zimbabwe under robert mugabi. farms destroyed, 200+ white farmers beaten. this happened in the last decade. someone needs to be there with skills. we're not gonna be able to relearn all those skills.
we have to be sure that our american ideals continue. under god. indivisible. with liberty and justice for all.
One nation under
That brings us to this point where we started. Final episode is now 8 shows away. Today, we covered this, a little bit -- solutions
food prices -- store, grow, can
energy prices -- that's tomorrow. we have energy execs who say they're under attack by the EPA. your energy prices will necessarily sky rocket. what to do, what to do.
jobs -- wednesday -- college? really? traditional job market is out
Goodnight America.
WHEW. When I have access to the program again (later tonight) I'll do the rest of the transcript and post it at www.tthna.blogspot.com and put a notice here.
HERE! http://tthna.blogspot.com/2011/06/pledge-of-allegiance-july-20-2011.html I've got the new DVR running, and I'm starting to fix this over at TTHNA.
I feel the need to note, regarding the Pledge of Allegiance, that when I was a wee tot, I thought we were pledging "to the republic for Richard stands." Because, ya know, Richard Nixon was a president. And on a much more serious note, I really want to (another time) post how and why I, as an atheist, think the "under god" part of Americana ideology so so goddamn important. I also wonder if the omission of "indivisible" is more noticed and seems WAY more important to me is because of my atheism.
I'd also like to note that now, nine hours later, I'm still cracking up about the French balls=hats (unintended?) teabagger joke is CRACKING ME UP.
Yes, folks, this is whatcha get when I type w/o filter during the middle of the night. I'm gonna stop here and go over to TTHNA and get my Beck on there.
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