
nothin's scarier than a blank page

29 July 2011

"Arrest the Tea Party for treason"

I'm seeing that phrase all over twitter.  To borrow a phrase from Wisconsin... THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE....  Elected representatives sworn to defend the Constitution while acting on behalf of their constituents.

I'm not currently going to comment on what may or may not happen on August 2nd.  I am commenting on the absolutely tyrannical meme that the Tea Party is tanking America.  The TP representatives were elected just like the Rs and Ds.  Why are their election promises politics any less legitimate than anyone elses?  Why is it okay for the majority party to trash a group of idealistic freshman?  Either side bullying this group should be viewed as unacceptable, regardless of party.

The Tea Party prevented a vote from passing in the House yesterday -- on a bill that the Democrats did not like. An amended bill is being put before the House today, thus the Tea Party should be arrested for treason?  I could only understand that leap in logic if I dropped acid.

The meme is ridiculous.  The only sense I can make of it is the Dems are freaking out about how to handle the bill when it goes to the Senate.  Not to mention Obama's approval dropping to 40%.  I guess if my "chosen one" was sinking, I'd feel like kicking the under dog, too.

That's what the Tea Party is: the under dog.  They have the lowest numbers in Congress.  That they stand firm in their principles and have managed to find a way to use their minority-minority status to wield some power is not treason.  It's called politics.

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